Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Viewer Updates!!!

Here are the views!!!!

Vietnam - 89
Canada - 11
Germany - 9
United States - 6
Malaysia - 6
Latvia - 2
Brazil - 1
Thailand - 1

*GASP* :O I got views from Thailand! And from LATVIA!! :O That's so cool! Actually, I don't even know where Latvia is. XD But it's a pretty unique name to me. Sounds like a nice place. :) I hope to see more different countries and stuff up here!!! YAY!!
Don't worry! I'll blog ya later! ;)
:) :D :P

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I Wonder... #1

I wonder what it's like for people's blog to be famous. Like every single day, thousands of viewers look to see what's new. *sniff sniff* I hope that my blog could be like that. When I started this blog, I hope that it could be popular right away. But I realized, psh, who cares? I use this blog to type down my feelings and thoughts and share them with the world. :) Maybe it WILL become better. I bet it just takes time. Ahaha! LOL, no one really reads my blog!!  But than what's the point? Well, there really is not point! I made this blog for the heck of it!! XD Anyways, I really do wonder how it feels like to be that successful. One of my dreams is to make this blog fun for everyone! Make it one of the best!! Ahaha, maybe a little TOO over the top! Well, I hope my dream comes truee!! :)
:) :D :P


I decided to cancel the new page stuff. It actually turns out that it's only for like one entry kinda thing. So yea... I decided to remove it. I'll rewrite the I wonder, and keep it going on! Don't worry!! I won't update the viewers though.  I could do that another time when there is better improvement!! XD

Well, blog ya soon!
:) :D :P

Monday, September 12, 2011

Probably the "BLOG PHASE" again XD

I'm probably at that blog phase. Blogging to much? Well, not THAT much, but you know, quite often. XD Though no one reads my posts... It just helps release feelings and what I think. But anyways, I'm making ANOTHER page. I totally forgot!! Cuz I should do it for my updates right???? Ahaha, well I'll probably make the new page today or tomorrow. So BLOG YA LATER!!!

BTW, right after I make the page, I'm gonna probably do an update! Just to fill it in a little bit! XD Ahahaha.
Well, like I said, BLOG YA LATER!
:) :D :P

Saturday, September 10, 2011

My Bad!

Sorry! My bad! I had this new idea to make a new page for the, "I Wonder...". So I just made a new page! I hope you guys will enjoy the series! :) :D :P

I've Got A New Idea!

You know how on TV they have episodes? Well, why can't a blog? So I'll be starting one called, "I Wonder...."
So every time I have a good idea, I'll do a, "I Wonder..."! It's pretty cool huh? I have actually thought of the idea because I was saying, "I wonder..." Then I thought, man! That would really be a good series-ish blog posts thing! I hope you get what I mean by series. It's sort of like the updates i do on my views. :) I'm pretty excited for this. Oh yea, I will be adding more series! I'll think of some! Don't worry! ;)
My first, "I Wonder...", will be right above this one!! :)
I hope you guys enjoy!
:) :D :P

Thursday, September 8, 2011

In School............ -.-

I decided to tell more about myself while blogging. Doesn't hurt to right? Well, I'm in school right now. Sitting against my locker in the hallway. SO NOISY! People are talking about stuff that seem to be interesting at the moment. But anyways, I skipped lunch! XD We have a cafeteria and I skipped lunch. LOL. I forgot to do this homework, so I did it during lunch. UGH. Well, that's my lesson. XD. OH WELL! Anyways. GTG NOW! BLOG YA LATER!! :) :D :P
Here is the views:
Vietnam - 71
 Canada - 11
Germany - 8
 America - 5
 Malaysia - 4
:) :D :P

NOOOO!!! I Suck At Blogging! Can't Think Of Anything To Write About!!!!!!! :O *Gasp* (IK, IK! RLY LONG TITLE!)

*sigh* .... *sniff sniff* ...
Nothing to write about. I swear, yesterday I was like, "OMG! That's such a great idea! It's perfect for my blogging stuff! *GASP* OMG! I have to write this! Sooner... or later... Should I today? No... IDK...."
OK, OK, I have to admit, it wasn't THAT exaggerated but you get the point. Right..?? Or do you NOT get the point..? Well who cares. ANYWAYS, now I don't remember what it was!!!!!! UGHH!! Stupid! Dumb! Brain! Of! Mine! GOSH! Well, anyways, I think I better stop talking about this! XD Must be boring for you to just sit here and listen to me moan and stuff! Well, maybe like in a few minutes later I will come up with a topic. Wait actually, I'm going to the update on viewers. But I mean after that. Maybe after a few more minutes. Or maybe tomorrow. Or maybe it's gonna be a long it until my next blog post after the update one. IK! You guys are like ENOUGH ALREADY! Well ok, your wish is my command.... Wait, that line is correct right? Well ANYWAYS! BLOG YOU LATER! :) :D :P